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About Me


Duddy RS

During 32 year, work as journalist, including giving journalism training for citizen. Since year 1997 join in activity of research of culture and social (practical). Supervisor of the Dharma Bakti Karya Foundation, a multicultural class in Parigi Pangandaran. Founder Pondok Media, 2006. Founder Soekapoera Institute, 2011. He was a lecturer at FKIP STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan 2014-2016. Since 2021 until now teaching at the Nahdlatul Ulama Tasikmalaya Institute, Islamic Broadcasting Communication study program.

Place, Date of Birth: Tasikmalaya, 6th July 1970
Education: Degree of Literature, University of Padjadjaran Bandung, 1995
Adress: Jl. Sirnagalih No. 6A, Indihiang, Tasikmalaya 46151

Chronology of Proffesional

1990 – 2019

Employer    :   Newspaper of Priangan (Pikiran Rakyat Bandung Group).

Before in Priangan, put hand to Kudjang Weekly Bandung (1990-1992), Mangle Magazine Bandung (1992-1996), Editor Executor for Tabloid Pesantrend Tasikmalaya (1999-2000), and free writer (columnist) some media in West Java, since 1990.

Position Held    :   Reporter, Desk Editor underwriter Opinion Rubric, Education Rubric, Culture Rubric, Banjar City Rubric, Member Editorial Board, and Editor in Chief

Description of Duties

  • As Reporter, write reportase in Bandung and Tasikmalaya.
  • As Member Editorial Board, follow to hold responsible in decision making of editor, for example concerning stimulating of head line, editorial, and decision of other editor.
  • With other editor, editor executor, an leader of editor, manage to organizational and existing resource to support editor duties flency in general.
  • Drawing up article or copy to be published. Including in it developt relationship with various owning intellectual ability, write article or opinion, for example with all lecturer, observer of tematic problems, professionals, economic perpetrator, and others.
  • Select accepted by article or copy is editorial staff to be classified between reasonable publish and improper publish, with criterion: issue actuality, as according to publication mission and vision, systematic way, orginality, coherency, “security”, and others.
  • Doing /conducting redaction of copy, both for concerning redactional (language style, spelling, barrel of journalistic, and others) and also article substansial to be adapted for column capacities or rubric which have been specified.
  • Give input to editorial board in determining especial report (news headline) especial good on page and also page.
  • Paying attention and reading all news an also chosen among others to be specified and wriring of becoming news mains or “editorial” (Tajuk Rencana).
  • Choose statements of public figure or an certain situation to be formulated to become social criticism in rubric “Corner” (Pojok).
  • Select, choose, and editing letters of reader for the rubric of “Letters from Readers” (Surat Pembaca).
  • Do/Conduct reportation and or special interview as according to requirement of editor.
  • Searching and writing news, opinion, an feature as according to requirement and profession.

1997 – now

Employer    : Bungawari Foundation, Bandung
Position Held    : Technical Assistance
Description of Duties:

  • Finding people capability and local genius to developt knowledge and increase alternatif income for community base by training and assisting.
  • Observation and examination
  • Traditional activities documentation
  • Larging information about culture activities
  • Maintaining and conserving natural resources

1999 – now

Employer    :  Paguyuban Pasundan Tasikmalaya
Position Held    : Research an Development, also Teacher of Sundanese Language and Life Skill Journalistic for Senior High School of Pasundan 2 Tasikmalaya.

Description of Duties:

  • Doing and formulate syllabus/curriculum to comprehend such syllabus substansial.
  • Teaching, giving pre test, forwarding of items teach and explaining it, doing post test to student.
  • Evaluating result of pre test and post test, and also clarification, repeat, if result of post still below/under expectation.
  • Doing construction bounce, spiritual, and, intellectual to student.
  • Final and middle evaluation of semester
  • Giving final assessment to student
  • Taking care of good with instructor staff humanity and head institute for the shake of executing of process learn to teach effectively and is efficient.

1999 – 2014

Position Held: Teacher of Sundanese Language for Senior High School of  SMA Pasundan 2 Tasikmalaya, SMK DCI Tasikmalaya, SMK Sukapura Tasikmalaya, and SMAN 9 Tasikmalaya. Since 2012 join as lecturer at STKIP Muhammadiyah.

Description of Duties:

  • Doing and formulate syllabus/curriculum to comprehend such syllabus substansial.
  • Teaching, giving pre test, forwarding of items teach and explaining it, doing post test to student.
  • Evaluating result of pre test and post test, and also clarification, repeat, if result of post still below/under expectation.
  • Doing construction bounce, spiritual, and, intellectual to student.
  • Final and middle evaluation of semester
  • Giving final assessment to student
  • Taking care of good with instructor staff humanity and head institute for the shake of executing of process learn to teach effectively and is efficient.


Founder Soekapoera Institute, Tasikmalaya

Description of Duties:

  • Finding people capability and local genius to developt knowledge and increase alternatif income for community base by training and assisting.
  • Observation and examination local history
  • Traditional activities documentation
  • Larging information about culture activities
  • Maintaining and conserving natural resources

Activity of other proffesional

  1. West Java – Indonesian Cyber Media Association
  2. West Java – Press Publishing Union
  3. Indonesian Journalist Association
  4. Member of Paguyuban Mahasiswa Sastra Sunda (Pamass) Padjadjaran University (1989-1995)
  5. Member of Lingkung Seni Sunda (1989-1995)
  6. Culture club “Rawayan”, Bandung (1992-now).
  7. Local culture recovering, involving community capability trough environment protection, conservation, and reservation, Bandung 1997-1998
  8. “Panglawungan Pangarang Kiwari” (Langari) Tasikmalaya, 2002 – now.
  9. Coordinator local culture recovering for Paguyuban Pasundan Tasikmalaya, period 2005-now.
  10. Tasikmalaya Community Cartoonist, “Sindikat Kartunis Tasik” (Sikat), November 2005 – now.
  11. Join activity between government of Tasikmalaya and Local Governance Support Program (LGSP), September 2005.
  12. Chairman of the Library and Information Council at the Muhammadiyah Regional Management of Tasikmalaya Regency, since 2017 until now
  13. Etc.


  1. LBSS Literary Prize. 1993
  2. The Cultural Gift of The Governor West Java. 2008

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